Does anybody even read these anymore? I sure hope so, because for the spooky thirteenth installment of video friday, I've got a special treat for halloween. Everything you need in a nutritious and balanaced video: Brazilian speed metal. Voodoo. And claymation.
Welcome to the weird, wild world of ambient techno music. This may be the world's least compressible video. You should watch the full-size video, which is a little better, but still suffers badly from compression.
Today, Friday the 13th, is my last day at Teradyne. When I accepted the job nine and a half years ago, I remember listing to this song again and again, wondering in trepidation if I could transplant my midwestern ways to Los Angeles. I think it worked out.
This is an adaptation of a Frank Miller graphic novel, and the movie's stylized look owes a lot to that book. I can't wait. On the list of the top ten baddest-ass things ever said, "Then we will fight in the shade" is right on the top.